Sunday, January 2, 2011

Don't look at me like that...

I did it again. I'm officially the boldest girl in Ireland. When I don't write my blog I feel like I went out drinkin and left a child at home unsupervised! Me nerves do be at me! So to catch you up on recent (and not-so recent) events, here is a handy list of bullet points:

  • I got the bursary again so I have moved back to the hovel.
  • I am actually delighted about it because it means meseff and himseff are living together again. Love bubble!
  • I am, however, slightly disappointed that I won't have any more Skid Mark Sue stories to tell ye.
  • I love BBB so much that I can't think about it for more than a nanosecond because I gets a pain.
  • I'm always working and always knackered and as a result have turned into a LOSER.
I think that clears up just about everything. Now, onto our main feature. It's a new year. It's resolution time. Last year I resolved to ride a unicycle across a rope over Niagara Falls. I'm pleased to say this went off without a hitch. I took loads of photos, but sadly my camera was stolen. What were the chances of that?

I've decided to share my real resolutions here this year, so that we may all wallow in my failure together in a few month's time. Or bask in the warm glow of my awesomeness, depending on how it goes.

SO here they are:

  1. Enjoy myself more. Lately I've just been working like crazy and going home after work to collapse on the chair like a zombie and I have a terrible feeling that I may have forgotten how to enjoy myself, or worse, the general concept of fun. No more! I'm going to make an effort, no matter how wrecked I am, to go out and enjoy myself at least once a week. To start. Then I'm gonna eventually spiral out of control and show up at work in various night-before ensembles until I get fired and end up working at the petrol station where that weird woman works that puts the petrol in your car with one hand and holds a lit fag in the other.
  2. Save. Gonna scrimp and save even more this year so I can make my triumphant return to Trinity before the age of 47(ish).
  3. Number three - and this is the big one - I'm going to get my Italian driving license. I am TERRIFIED. Just the thought of it gives me Sweaty Arse Syndrome. I have been putting off driving for so long now I mean it's just not acceptable. Time to bite the bullet. Plus if I learn to drive in Italy it basically means I will have driving super powers. I hope.
I think three will do for now. I'll chip away at those bad boys and tackle any new general life resolutions as they arise. 2010 was kind of a tough one for a lot of people, me included, but all of the shite the year has brought just pales into insignificance when I'm curled up against BBB's chest in our little bed, or when my parents call me to say hello, or when my sister emails me, or when I get a letter from one of my chums, or when I see a new picture of my little nephew Jack. I can brush off even the biggest disaster, because I know these simple things are what really matter in life. Sniff.

So a happy and healthy 2011 to all of ye lads, I hope it's a good one, full of family, friends... and really satisfying farts.

You know the ones.


KFS said...

Times are never so hard that booze and farts can't get you through. Happy new year.

Jennikybooky said...

Wise words, my friend.

Unknown said...

You're learning to drive in Italy? You're braver than I thought! Make sure you have plenty of spare wing mirrors and car doors at your disposal

Holemaster said...

Driving in Italy is like dancing Jenny. It's all one big waltz where everyone plays their part. Just watch how they cross over the lanes on a bend at 120km/h without incident! Once you get your rhythm.

(Yes. I had to google the spelling of rhythm)

The Drivel Machine said...

Indeed. Happy New Year Jen. Thanks for filling the lonely nights...sob... I mean thanks for being one of the many websites I check on my phone when I'm being a gal about town.

Coquette said...

Oh... Keep Blogging. We have become addicted to your blog. And we want to read MORE!!

The Coquettes.

Anonymous said...

You are the boldest girl in Ireland again, we are much in need of some jennikybooky blog action. New years resolutions are long out the window but the faithful Irish get a whole second chance with LENT just around the long til I fall off the wagon I wonder??!